Partner Highlight: New Legislative Report from FDPA
Fair Districts PA volunteers have prepared a third report on legislative activity in Harrisburg,
covering the first 12 months of the current two-year session. Read the report here.
It is a 2 page summary of the new report "A legislatively Bipartisan General Assembly"
that was sent to every legislator the week of Feb 5.
Following is the full 19 page report with graphs, and text on many points -
Here is an example-
Page 9 - Did you know of Unanimous bills, nearly 160 passed their first chamber with a unanimous vote.
Of those, less that 50% had received a committee vote in their second chamber and less that 30 % had received
a final floor vote in the second chamber by December 31. You can read much more:
Bills passed in the first 12 months of three legislative sessions
Progress of Bipartisan Bills
Unanimous Votes - What happens to bills that Received Unanimous Votes
A detailed Look at Committee Performance pages 10 -15
What happened to the Bipartisan Bills cited in the early report Dysfunction by Designed? Pages 16-19
It is alot to absorb, but so important when it comes to learning how our Pa legislative work operates.
Phyllis Wright- Warren County LWV Communications VP